This blog is part of a series of trial cook books featuring three areas of Southern California, with emphasis on San Diego County;,, and It is an often revised learning process in preparation for books about the coast, mountains and deserts with their unique edible wild and native plants, as well as an attempt to translate these environments into food presentations. The blog also contains photos, videos, and art work to further illustrate the character of the region.
Although efforts have been made to use moderate amounts of native and wild commercial ingredients (foraging requires positive identification of species and is not recommended without expert advice), some ingredients may be unfamiliar. Therefore, the following disclaimer is presented.
DISCLAIMER: All blog posts are temporary and subject to change. No health, medicinal or nutritional claims are made. Not responsible for indigestion, allergic reactions or any health problems which may result from the use of these trial recipes or suggestions.
Many of these recipes can be made into vegan interpretations by replacing eggs, butter and milk with egg replacer, butter substitute and soy or rice milk. For more information about the health benefits of an alkaline-forming diet please see
Thanks to all those who have been so helpful in inspiring, developing and contributing to the Wild Mountain Cook Book, especially George Lofland.
It is hoped you will visit and enjoy the blogs often to see what's new and try some of the recipes. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.