Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Spring Green Rocky Ridge Roast with Mushroom Onion Rock Sauce

2 3/4 lbs tri tip roast
4 small onions
4 brown mushrooms
4 garlic cloves
1 t dandelion leaf
1/2 t shepherd's purse
Remove extra fat from roast.
Cut onions, mushrooms and garlic cloves into small pieces and place in meat that has been slit to form rocky ridges. Put spices on slope. There will be left over onions and mushrooms. Reserve for rock sauce. Bake at 300 degrees for 1/12 hours and 350 degrees for 1/2 hour.

Mushroom Onion Rock Sauce
1/2 c red wine
Remaining chopped mushrooms and onions
1 T rosemary
1/4 t salt
Mix juice from finished roast with some water and wine, adding mushrooms and onions and bring to a boil. Simmer for 3 minutes. Place mushrooms and onions from juice on rocky ridge. Save au jus for serving. Sprinkle slopes with fresh Spring Green.

Spring Green
1 leek
1/2 finely chopped parsley
After chopping parsley, slice thinly lengthwise 4 leek leaves, then chop into small pieces and mix together with parsley. Sprinkle on slopes between boulders and rocks.

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